速報APP / 健康塑身 / CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Coun

CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Coun



檔案大小:495.6 KB


版本需求:需要 iOS 6.0 或以上版本。與 iPhone、iPad 及 iPod touch 相容。


CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Counter, Stay Fit And He(圖1)-速報App

CalorieCalc is a fast and simple app to use, allowing you to easily track your daily calorie intake.

CalorieCalc is designed for speed, there aren't any huge lists of foods and quantities to search through, you get straight to the information that is important to you.

CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Counter, Stay Fit And He(圖2)-速報App

You can set your target daily amount of calories. CalorieCalc will then show the number of calories in green if you have stayed below or matched your target, or red if you have had a bit too much in the day!

CalorieCalc also tells you your average daily calories, along with the percentage of how often you are below or above your daily target.

CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Counter, Stay Fit And He(圖3)-速報App

You can view your history for each day you have entered, and go back and edit any day if you made a mistake, or insert a day if you missed one.


CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Counter, Stay Fit And He(圖4)-速報App

If you have any suggestions of how CalorieCalc could be made even better, I'd love to hear from you. Please visit www.simonsapps.com to get in touch.

CalorieCalc - Fast & Simple Calorie Counter, Stay Fit And He(圖5)-速報App
